The Pico Neo 2 is a standalone VR headset built for business that can be used as stand alone device or connected to a pc through a wired or wireless connection.
It is very comfortable to put on and to take it off, making it perfect for the VR developers.
For a complete review of the device, check this link
Here a short tutorial on how to configure a Pico Neo 2 as VR Headset for Unity Editor.
This is valid only for Windows, not for Mac.
Install the Pico Streaming Assistant and Steam with SteamVR
Open Unity Hub
Create a new 3d project in Unity
Go to Windows -> Package Manager
Select Advanced -> Show preview packages
Install the packages: XR Plugin Management and XR Interaction toolkit, XR Legacy Input Helpers will be taken automatically
Download the HTC VIVE UniyXR OpenVR library from:
unzip the zip file to a folder
From Package manager press + Add package from disk and select the file package.json in the folder just created
The SteamVR Unity XR Plugin will be imported into the project
Go to Edit -> Project settings -> XR Plug-in Management and check OpenVR Loader
Now we are ready to develop with the XR Libraries
Add a Rig (here we used a stationary rig)
Select the Camera Offset of the rig to move the camera position off the ground.
and move it 1.7 units in Y
Add a cube as target to grab
Create a folder Materials and create a Material to assign to the cube
Change the size and the position of the cube to make it smaller
Add the component XR Grab Interactable to the cube. In this way the cube can be grabbed in VR
It will add automatically also a Rigidbody to the cube
Add a 3d Plane object as floor. The cube is affected by gravity, so it would fall down forever. The 3d plane stops the fall.
Now we can try the scene in VR
Turn on the Pico Neo 2 and connect it to the same wifi as the pc
Lunch on PC the Pico Streaming Assistant, than from the headset click on Streaming Assistant
The Pico Neo2 headset will connect to the PC
Now you can run the Application in Unity and see use it in the headset
and grab the cube using the grab button on a controller
The Pico Neo 2 and the Pico Neo 2 Eye are a must buy headseat for every VR developer. Are much more comfortable than an Oculus, much easier to put or take off, have a better resolution and no need a wired connection. Using the XR Libraries makes the software portable for every headset, so it is easy to develop with Pico and publish on Steam or for Oculus Quest.